Coronavirus (COVID-19) Sanitization by Expresso
Expresso Building Services Protexus Electrostatic Sanitizing Team.
Best of Class Protexus Electrostatic Spray Technology to Efficiently Deep Clean and Sanitize Your Environment.
Review Our Coronavirus Response PlanWhy Electrostatic Spray?
Protexus Electrostatic Technology allows Expresso Technicians to safely sanitize surfaces and touchpoints efficiently with a one-minute kill time for Covid-19.
Please see the link to PROTEXUS for more technical information.
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Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide – Electrostatic Sanitization
Expresso’s PROTEXUS Electrostatic Team uses Maxim Hydrogen Peroxide to achieve a 1-minute kill time for Coronavirus Covid-19. EPA approved and highly effective for Electrostatic Sanitizing.
Preventive Disinfection Application:
Expresso Protexus Team can and spray/sanitize all common/touch areas. We treat desks, keyboards, walls, doors, handles, basically any touchable surface. We treat/spray all hard surfaces. We can treat desks with paper and items, per your direction.
Maxim Facility Plus – EPA Certified concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfectant has no scent and evaporates with no residue, allowing more productive sanitizing.
Estimates for Preventative Sanitizing
Pricing includes our PROTEXUS Sanitizing Technicians and all PPE required.
Customers may also choose Steam Carpet Extraction after treatment.
Please see information on AeroTruck Carpet and Hard Surface Cleaning equipment below.
Customers may want Steam Carpet Extraction after treatmentWhat if there’s a confirmed or assumed Covid-19 case?
We wait a minimum of 24-hours before entering the space from the time of exposure.
Next, Expresso Protexus Techs with proper PPE, using Expresso & CDC procedures, will treat the entire space.
Horizontal surfaces and desks with paper and miscellaneous items will be treated unless otherwise requested. We will treat all surfaces and touch points.
Carpet, tile, and grout surfaces can be steam-clean extracted with our Aero-Tech Steam Trucks, CRI Carpet & Rug Institute & Green Seal Certified. AeroTech equipment provides constant steam temperature extraction for sanitizing surfaces.
Please contact Expresso Customer Service for an estimate
Pricing for spaces where confirmed Coronavirus contact has occurred.
Please click our CONTACT US tab or contact your customer service representative for a detailed estimate. Expresso will include all PPE and required items.